Russian Cossack and traditional culture. Native martial arts and warrior traditions.
To pass on the traditional experience in the formation of the whole personality of a Human and Citizen. The upbringing of a responsible person, with stable spiritual and ethical values, family-oriented, with mature civic-mindedness, a person with the ability for self-development and participation in upbringing the younger generation.
- Preparation of new teachers and instructors for family and sports/health clubs in Russia and abroad.
- The involvement of youth and students in the cultural environment of a healthy lifestyle.
- Promotion of family values and consulting about difficult situations in family life
- Training students and adults to work in education and upbringing of children and teenagers
- Forming a positive image of Russia abroad through representatives from different countries.
- Strengthening the historical ties with the Russian Diaspora abroad.
- Strengthening the relations and cooperation with the Slavic countries.
- Introducing guests to the glorious history of the hero city Leningrad - St. Petersburg
- Performing Cossack war songs dedicated to the Victory Day (World War II)
on the 9th of May.
- Performing Russian traditional music and dance
In our events, we have instructors and students from Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy, Finland, Austria, Croatia, USA, France, England, Australia, and other countries.
Systema Siberian Cossack
Andrej Karimov - master instructor, ethnographer, psychologist
Roman Khozeev - instructor, curator in Russia
Alina Ra - international curator
This is an approximate program of the Gathering however, a lot can be added the last minute.
We are planning 6 hours of activities and training per day as a part of the compulsory program for the participants. Also, an additional 3 to 8 hours of daily training/practice and individual activities/private lessons. We will have a few city tours, sightseeing, dancing events, nature getaways, and more on the agenda. In addition, on weekend there will be "Empower the Child" family camp.
We are planning 6 hours of activities and training per day as a part of the compulsory program for the participants. Also, an additional 3 to 8 hours of daily training/practice and individual activities/private lessons. We will have a few city tours, sightseeing, dancing events, nature getaways, and more on the agenda. In addition, on weekend there will be "Empower the Child" family camp.
Andrej Karimov - the theory of personality upbringing, Russian Martial Art, grappling on the ground, the art of weapons (knife, stick, nagaika whip), musical instruments, "Empower the Child" family events, Russian traditional dancing, family psychology.
Yuri Sheshukov - mastering the art of weapons (knife, dagger, shashka sword, stick, nagaika whip, etc), Russian Martial Art , "Empower the Child" family events, and other social processes.
Natalja Kopylova - the art of shashka sword for adults and children.
Fedor Tarabukin - Russian traditional male dance, "Empower the Child" family events
Evgenij Pechkin - singing, musical instruments, "Empower the Child" family events, traditional couple dance.
- Get ready to dive into Russian culture and Cossack tradition. We have a very friendly and trustworthy environment. It's a unique social experience where you can express yourself and communicate sincerely without being judged.
- Get ready to improvise, experiment, and have lots of fun.
- The best plan is no plan
- Be open minded, flexible, and ready for adventures.
- Have you heard of crazy Russians? Welcome to the club!

Annual Gathering in St. Petersburg
International scientific and practical gathering "CoExistance"
"Together for the World - We can do more"
28th of April to 11th of May, 2017
Please contact Jeremy Rousserie: