Now purchasing our movies has become much easier. No more DVDs. Just the download links. All movies are €15 (euro).
For payment and download instructions please email your desirable movie(s) name(s) to: Systemasiberiancossack@gmail.com
We are aiming to reply to all inquiries within 72 hours.

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)
Parents and Children. Series 1-10
Male Dance. Series 1-6
Social Models in Russian Culture. Series 1-5

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Slapping Strikes Technique Price: €15(euro)

Slapping Strikes Technique Price: €15(euro)
Striking Technique. Series 1-2
Mezen Painting. Series 1-2

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)
Learn to Dance Quadrille
Learn to Play Balalaika

Learning to play folk music with balalaika Price: €15(euro)

Learning to play folk music with balalaika Price: €15(euro)

Learning to play folk music with balalaika Price: €15(euro)

Learning to play folk music with balalaika Price: €15(euro)

Learning to play folk music with balalaika Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Structure of STable Personality

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)
Wave. Series 1-3

Vertical wave. Climb the "mountain" of the wave. Knife to the throat. Wave goes to the hand. Price: €15(euro)

Wave of the breathing. Legs save you. Hands help feet. Loss of balance. Wave and whip. Price: €15(euro)

With a stick. Wave and punch. Consciousness. Wave, hands. Short lever. Price: €15(euro)

Controlling Opponent Strength
Texas. Series 1-7

Controlling the Elbow Price: €15(euro)

Escaping the line of attack Price: €15(euro)

The Wave Price: €15(euro)

Nagaika Whip Price: €15(euro)

Striking and Coordination Price: €15(euro)

Controlling the Attention Price: €15(euro)

Escaping Close Lines of Attack. Controlling Centrifugal Force Price: €15(euro)
Secrets of Mastery.

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15 (euro)

Price: €15 (euro)

Price: €15 (euro)

Price: €15 (euro)

Price: €15 (euro)
School for Instructors. Series 1-5
Russian Cross-Fit : The Log. Series 1-2

Basic movements and usings of the log. Price: €15(euro)

Basic and intermediary movements and usings of the log. Price: €15(euro)
Grappling on the Ground. Series 1-5
Cossack Sword. Natalya Kopylova. Series 1-4

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Fundamentals of Shaska sword work. Introduction to principles of Shaska technique. Body movement with Shaska. Main kinds of figure eights. Sword manipulation and figure eights. Price: €15(euro)

Fundamentals of Sword manipulation. Four principles of figure eights. Fundamentals of Dual Shaska Work. Advanced Shaska Sword techniques. Price: €15(euro)

Advanced Shaska manipulation. Advanced body control. Moving with Shaska. Price: €15(euro)

Shaska Sword new elements (Figure eights, throws, switching hands, two shaskas) Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Price: €15(euro)

Cossack style sword work with wooden horse model. Effective grip technique for Shashka. Horizontal striking patterns. Fencing techniques and shashka. Historical context with Shashka including methodologies of Fencing. Cossack methodology for defense purposes. Evasion and defensive tactics with Cossack style. Price: €15(euro)

Fencing techniques with Shashka sword (part 2). Cossack methodology for defense purposes Evasion and defensive tactics with Cossack style. Attacking the opponent. How to attack and overcome the opponent Price: €15(euro)

Taking control of Shashka. Defensive move from unexpected source. Being ofercome by the opposition. Price: €15(euro)
Cossack Sword. Yury Sheshukov. Series 1-3

Price: €15(euro)
Cossack whips

Price: €15(euro)

Цена: €15 (евро)

Цена: €15 (евро)

Цена: €15 (евро)

Цена: €15 (евро)
Cossack zdravoveda 1-4